Big data analysis

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big data analysis For a long time, Big data has been in the news, and many businesses have become sensitive to what big data is and how they can use it for growth and development. Consider a very large collection of data gathered from multiple sources and forming Big Data.Big data can be a collection […]

Data engineering

Data engineering I understand you’re here to read about data analysis, but before that, let’s consider a business that is moving forward with a focus on its efficient human resources in the path it deems right. The individuals who are engaged in this business have certain skills. Some of these skills fall under the category […]


Database A database is a collection of organized data managed by a database management system. It’s like a fancy way of keeping your information in order! You can’t just have random data thrown together and call it a database. It needs to be collected for a specific purpose and arranged neatly. There are different types […]

Data analysis

Data analysis I understand you’re here to read about data analysis, but before that, let’s consider a business that is moving forward with a focus on its efficient human resources in the path it deems right. The individuals who are engaged in this business have certain skills. Some of these skills fall under the category […]

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence   Business Intelligence (BI), also known as “هوش تجاری” in Persian, is a process that allows you to analyze data using technology as its core focus. If you’re seeking data that can help you make critical decisions, you need BI tools.   These tools assist you in combining and analyzing ideas, visualizing them, […]

Quality Engineering

Quality Engineering Imagine a business that brings together a team that can quickly and creatively analyze different aspects of a project and identify opportunities for improving quality, reducing time, and costs. This process is called quality engineering. There are various techniques and methods for quality engineering, and it is important for quality engineers to accurately […]